Square Foot Gardening
The concept of square foot gardening was developed to get the most food possible out of a small space.
10008 Lundy's Lane, Niagara Falls, ON (View Map)
There's nothing quite like fresh herbs and vegetables from your own garden. Visit us for Niagara's best selection... and lots of helpful tips.
(please click on highlighted items for more information and a list of varieties)
Any chef will tell you that there is nothing like cooking with fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. And there's certainly nothing like eating fresh.
In Niagara we are lucky to have a relatively long growing season (compared to the rest of Canada!) with 170-190 frost free days. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, historically the last frost has been April 25th and the first frost on October 20th.
This means we can get started seeding early vegetables which can tolerate cooler temperatures, in early April.
April 1 - 15 • Vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, lettuce, early potatoes, spinach, peas and onions will actually benefit by getting started in the cooler weather.
April 15 - 30 • By the end of April you can seed beets, carrots, cauliflower, celery, late potatoes and early sweet corn.
May 15 - 30 • Typically this is Planting Time in Niagara and it's safe to plant snap beans, sweet corn and tomatoes. Then lima beans, cucumber and zucchini, eggplant, peppers, pumpkins, squash and watermelon.
Mother Nature can throw you a curve ball now and then and late frosts are known to happen. Be prepared to cover your tender plants with burlap (not plastic!) to protect them.
The concept of square foot gardening was developed to get the most food possible out of a small space.
Growing your own food does not need to be a daunting task. With a little bit of planning and the right supplies, you can enjoy the freshest food at a fraction of the cost.
Type in a few descriptors (e.g., 'spring bulbs') here to find information and advice on caring for your Niagara garden.
Whatever you need, whether it's seeds, plants or information, our team of gardening experts is here for you!