We appreciate you! We want to show it by offering you a free membership in our Basket Bucks program as a thank you for being a loyal customer.
What Are Basket Bucks?
Basket Bucks is a 'points program' that allows you to 'earn' a percentage of each purchase you make at Country Basket Garden Centre.
You can earn Basket Bucks back on any purchase at all – regular price or sale – in our Garden Centre. Being part of the Country Basket 'Basket Bucks' Program also means you don't have to worry about keeping your receipts! Records of all your purchases will be kept on our computer, making your life much simpler should you need to return a product.
Want to join? It's simple.
You can join by signing up for our newsletter (be sure to include your phone number), or by signing up next time you're at the Garden Centre.
Your Basket Bucks will then begin to accumulate each time you make a purchase, in an account linked to your phone number.
How Do I Redeem My Basket Bucks?
You can redeem your Basket Bucks any time, on anything regular priced or on sale, in the Country Basket Garden Centre.
Just let us know at check-out that you want to use your Basket Bucks.
