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Trees & Shrubs

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Country Basket Garden Centre offers an extensive selection of trees and shrubs for Niagara gardeners!

Trees & Shrubs, Niagara Garden Centre

Trees & Shrubs, Niagara Garden Centre

Trees & Shrubs, Niagara Garden Centre

Trees & Shrubs, Niagara Garden Centre

Our Selection

We carry an extensive tree and shrub selection. Our Proven Winner-Spring flowering shrubs, such as the My Monet Weigelia, the Low and Behold Butterfly bush and the Coppertina Ninebark, will add a burst of early colour to your garden.

Large shade trees such as Sunburst Honey Locust, Crimson King Maple and Bradford Pear will offer your garden a welcome break from the hot summer sun. Broadleaf evergreens, like rhododendrons and azaleas, are sure to impress, and will attract butterflies to your garden, too!

We also carry smaller standard trees: Mulberry, Nishiki Willow and Pussy Willow are some of the more popular.

If you're thinking about planting a Memorial Tree, you may want to consider a Cherry Blossom, Crepe Myrtle, Flowering Crab Apple, Gingko, Japanese Maple or Redbud.

Placement & Design

Choosing the proper placement of these long-term plants is an important decision. We will work with you to put the right plants in the right places so that they maximize their effect at your home.

We make it easy for you to succeed! Our staff is always available to guide you in your choices. You will find our nursery full of healthy, robust trees and shrubs.

We have the latest and best kinds for your satisfaction and enjoyment. Our trees and shrubs are fully guaranteed for 2 years.


Tree & Shrub Tips

How to Plant a Tree

How to plant a tree

Box Tree Moth Solutions

Problems with your Boxwoods? Let's help you find the solution.

Read More Garden Guide Tips »

Did You Know?

  • One tree will absorb the carbon dioxide from four cars, every year, and shade trees can reduce utility bills for air conditioning by 15-50%. In one year an average tree produces enough oxygen for a family of four.
    » Landscaping with Trees & Shrubs

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