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At the Country Basket Garden Centre we have seeds for just about everything under the sun – vegetables, herbs, wild flowers, annuals and perennials. 

Grow... and be happy!

Want to try growing violet cauliflower? How about red mottled pole beans or flat top purple turnips?

We have those seeds, along with the more traditional lettuce, radish, pumpkin or mammoth Russian sunflower seeds.

What could be more rewarding than growing your own vegetables from seed? We have seen a dramatic increase in the number of first time vegetable growers over the last few years.

From what we are hearing from our customers, the reasons are varied. Newly retired people tell us they now have the time to spend on starting their veggies from seed. Parents with young children have said that they want their children to know where their food comes from. Perhaps you want to harvest your own organic vegetables or just like to nurture a young seedling along whatever the reason, we have your seeds.

We carry seeds from an assortment of Canadian companies so that we may offer you just what you are looking for. Check out what we carry; 

West Coast Seed                                              Northern Wildflowers

Ontario Seed Company                                McKenzie Seeds

Zappa Seeds

Seed Tips

How to Start Seeds Outdoors

While starting seeds indoors is a great way to get a head start on your garden, another options is to tuck them directly into the soil outdoors. Here are a few tips for planting seeds outside in your Niagara garden this year.

How to Plant a Lawn From Seed

A healthy, green lawn starts with the right care and maintenance. This guide will walk you through prepping your soil, how to sow your grass seed, and tips for overseeing as well as feeding.

Read More Garden Guide Tips »

Did You Know?

  • Resist the temptation to start seeding indoors too early! The seeds will turn into plants very quickly, which will then need to be transplanted into bigger pots, and will need fertilizer and water. Your home will become a mini jungle in short order, complete with foggy windows and stretched out plants.
    » Learn More About Starting Seeds

Seeds, Niagara Garden Centre

Search our Garden Guide for more information, tips and ideas:

Type in a few descriptors (e.g., 'spring bulbs') here to find information and advice on caring for your Niagara garden.

Country Basket Garden Centre... one-stop shopping for Niagara gardeners.

Whatever you need, whether it's seeds, plants or information, our team of gardening experts is here for you!