Decorative mulch can add a beautiful finishing touch to your landscaping. However, mulch also serves a more functional purpose, being great for your soil and in some cases, protecting your plants from the elements.
Here are some quick tips to keep in mind when adding mulch to your garden:
Sun Dry Your Clippings
If you're going to use clippings as garden mulch, be sure to sun dry them for a day or two. Avoid using clippings from lawns that have been treated with herbicides or toxic pest controls.
Avoiding Fungus
To avoid fungus and root problems, keep mulch at least an inch away from your plant stems.
Use Your Grass Clippings
Leave at least half your grass clippings on your lawn after you mow it. They're an important source of nutrients that will help keep your lawn healthy and lush!
Use Aged Leaves
Use leaves that have been aged for at least nine months, as this allows time for the growth-inhibiting phenols to be leached out.
Apply Fertilizer
Apply nitrogen-rich fertilizer beneath your mulch; certain organic mulches can sap the soil of nitrogen as it decomposes.