You want your landscape to be interesting and beautiful in all seasons. This can seem difficult here in Niagara, but you can accomplish it by choosing plants that have features that are pleasing in each season.
We will help you choose the right combination of plants that give you joy no matter when you walk in your garden.
Some Tips For a Beautiful Landscape
Know How Big Your Plants Will Grow
Some plants look cute and cuddly in the nursery but grow into monsters in the wrong spot in your landscape. We specialize in plants that are easily managed and take very little care. Match up the right plant for your spot with our guidance.
Repetition is not Boring in the Landscape
To please your traveling eye, you need to have focal points in the landscape. To give you a sense of organization and serenity, repeat groupings of plants. Most plants look better in groupings of 3 or 5 or more and give more visual impact. Using the same mulch in all of your beds and plantings will help tie in the look of the landscape. Our knowledgeable staff can help you choose the proper groupings for a professional looking finish.
Plant With Love
Dig a straight-sided hole twice as deep and as wide as the root ball of your tree. Then mix triple blend soil with the existing soil in the hole, add Parkwood Transplant Fertilizer in the bottom of the hole and soak the root ball with water. Fill the hole with the amended soil taking care not to bury the tree too deep.
Add by Taking Away
Trimming trees and shrubs encourages bushiness. Remove dead wood anytime. Prune spring blooming trees and shrubs immediately after they bloom. All others may be pruned in late winter. Prune back to a side branch so that there is no large stub. Fertilize trees and shrubs in very late Fall or after they flower in Spring.
Rely on the Advice of your Consultants at Country Basket Niagara
We want to partner with you so that your plants continue to thrive throughout the years. Never hesitate to stop by and seeking advice about any particular problem you may be experiencing. The advice is free and helpful in keeping your landscape tip-top.